Death Valley Unified School District
ph: 760-852-4303 fax: 760-852-4395 PO Box 217, Shoshone, CA 92384
Jan 20: No School, MLK Day
Feb 14 and 17: No School, Presidents Day
Shoshone Elementary School
(Grades K-6)
Death Valley High Academy (Grades 7-12)
Death Valley Unified School District

Death Valley Unified School District (DVUSD) is the largest school district in California in terms of square miles covered but one of the smallest in terms of student enrollment.
Located near the southeast entrance to Death Valley National Park and bordering the state of Nevada, DVUSD serves the entire southeast region Inyo County and covers approximately 6000 square miles of the Mojave Desert. The total population within this region is about 1,000, for whom DVUSD is the only school district. To truly grasp how large and remote DVUSD is, it helps to know that there is no cell phone service in most areas of the district and that DVUSD includes more land than the state of Connecticut.
Three communities served by DVUSD (Timbisha Indian Village, Furnace Creek Ranch and Stovepipe Wells) are located in Death Valley National Park. As far as we are aware, DVUSD is the only school district in the USA which shares a name with and has a school inside a national park.
In 2012 and 2013, DVUSD was featured on the front page of Los Angeles Times, on a Spanish language television news program on Telemundo, on the National Public Radio program, The Story, and on a television program for the BBC, all due to the unique set of educational circumstances faced by district students, especiallh the long bus rides.
DVUSD is administered by a District Superintendent and one principal.
Our History

The DVUSD cental office and campus in Shoshone was built in 1957 and has served as the main educational facility in this remote region ever since. Once being the home of students in CA as well as nearby Pahrump, NV, DVUSD now serves CA students in all communities from the heart of Death Valley National Park, through the towns of Shoshone and Tecopa, to the residential area of Charleston View near the NV state line.
Our Vision

DVUSD will always remain:
dedicated to the needs of local communities
up-to-date with current educational trends and philosophies
at the forefront of educational technology
capable of providing home-to-school transportation
focused on the needs of individual students within very small class enrollments